Babs K.

Apr 21, 2020

Jackie Moore + Chicago Knights Make 3,000+ 3-D Printed Face Shields for South Side First Responders

Updated: Apr 22, 2020

CCRx Team member Jackie Moore is leading the Chicago Knights Grassroots COVID19 Response to use their DIY skills and maker tools to produce Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for South Side hospitals and essential workers. She invites all DIY makers to join the grassroots effort.

"We can make a difference!"

Moore and her Chicago Knights Youth Robotics team are mobilizing the community as part of the Illinois PPE Network. The Knights are the South side distribution hub to get the PPE to hospitals. Their 3 nodes have produced + distributed 3,000 face shields to date!

Have a 3D printer?

If you own or have unrestricted access to a laser cutter or 3D printer, you can print medically approved face masks and shields. Or loan the Knights your 3D printer and they'll do the printing! Finished prints can be sent to their headquarters in Auburn-Gresham where they handle sanitation and distribution. And they'll let you know where your donation went!

Instructions and assembly details can be found at A curated list of other good options is at Contact them at to receive filament or for distribution of printed parts.


Have a sewing machine?

Use your sewing skills and clean cotton fabric to make face masks in about 10-30 minutes. A curated sample of patterns can be found at They prefer the pleated version with a pocket for filter and fabric straps (no latex allergy concerns). Contrast the fabric in the front and back. Donate them to family and friends so the medical masks can be reserved for frontline workers. Got extras? Contact for distribution. They'll sanitize and distribute them as well.

No 3D Printer or sewing machine? You can still help!

You can cut fabric, sanitize PPE, deliver PPE or donate to the Chicago Knights to help cover their costs for materials, supplies and managing the local distribution. Learn more and if you are interested, contact her here.

The Chicago Knights Grassroots COVID19 Response has nodes in three neighborhoods -- Auburn-Gresham, Bronzeville and Humboldt Park. Together, they have provided over 3,000 face shields to first line workers at St. Bernards, South Shore, Jackson Park, Mercy, and Norwegian Hospitals, as well as North Lawndale Health Center, Kids off the Block and Mr. Dads Fathers Club. They are part of a larger network that has supported over 40 other hospitals and institutions.

Jackie Moore is a Chicago Peace Fellow and our hats are off to her! (But not our face masks ; ) CCRx is a proud sponsor of the (Creative) Chicago Knights Teen Robotics Team.

Bravo + thank you, Jackie + the Knights!


