Curriculum, Positive Action Grade 7 (Box 1 & 2)
Contrary to the approach for each of the elementary and high school grade level kits which include all six units, the Grade 7 and 8 kits are split into two parts with three units each. This allows more time for the middle school lessons to develop the concept in greather depth to be age appropriate. It begins by introducing students to the ongoing PALS radio talk show, “Teens for a Positive World,” which is combined with a radio drama, “We’re on Our Way.” The drama includes a description of the main characters and settings that will make up the real-life situations involving students of middle-school age and the concepts taught in the Positive Action lessons throughout the program. Students take turns reading the radio play characters, and by using fictional characters, students are more likely to discuss the issues through the characters representationally, than personally. The talk show, integrated with the drama, provides opportunities to discuss the lesson concepts as they apply to the students’ actual classroom and school situations, local culture and other relevant issues related to their physical, intellectual, social and emotional learning—specifically, self-management. *Complete set!!*