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Locomotion by Woodson Jacqueline (2010-01-07) Paperback

Locomotion by Woodson Jacqueline (2010-01-07) Paperback


Locomotion by Woodson Jacqueline (2010-01-07) Paperback

Book overview

When Lonnie Collins Motion—Locomotion—was seven years old, his life changed forever. Now he's eleven, and his life is about to change again. His teacher, Ms. Marcus, is showing him ways to put his jumbled feelings on paper. And suddenly, Lonnie has a whole new way to tell the world about his life, his friends, his little sister Lili, and even his foster mom, Miss Edna, who started out crabby but isn't so bad after all. Jacqueline Woodson's novel-in-poems is humorous, heartbreaking . . . a triumph. “Its simple yet honest poetry gives you a clear look into the feelings and emotions of Lonnie as he takes what he is given and makes poetry out of it. Locomotion gives you a point of view not often told and takes you on a journey to remember.” —VOYA

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