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Science Book - Pearson -Interactive Science Grade 5 Workbook

Science Book - Pearson -Interactive Science Grade 5 Workbook


This consumable, interactive Student Worktext is the center of instruction for the Saavas Interactive Science Grade 5 curriculum. Weekly chapters are broken down into individual daily lessons, and include 3-6 lessons with inquiry labs, as well as an end-of-chapter study guide, review, and assessment section; a "science matters" feature at the very end looks at the application of science to real-world issues. Chapters cover the nature of science, design and function, classifying organisms, growth and survival, structure and function, ecosystems, the water cycle, weather, Earth and space, properties of matter, and more.

Chapters begin with a "big question" that frames the lessons to follow, and an example with prediction question. Lessons include a brief background check with highlighted and defined terms; a longer lesson with integrated questions; lesson questions that link back to the big question; "lab zone" hands-on questions; and "got it?" questions that provide an opportunity to prove that the main point has been learned, or whether students are still confused. A wide variety of questions pop up throughout, including "do the math," "what do you know?," "apply it!" and other forms of assessment, practice, and review.


ISBN 10: 0328521000

ISBN 13: 9780328521005 my

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