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Curriculum, Positive Action Grade 5

Curriculum, Positive Action Grade 5

Jumpstart your Social and Emotional Learning initiative with the Positive Action Grade 5 Curriculum Kit. Save time, energy, and funds. And you can teach with confidence knowing that Positive Action will simultaneously improve student behavior, mental health and academic engagement as shown in multiple randomized controlled trials. A “space-age self-concept” is the theme for fifth graders. In Unit 1 they hear about Timothy Wannamaker who, in a space-age goof-up, gets himself duplicated seventeen times. But the real Timothy is not hard to identify. The machine copies the outside of Timothy but cannot reproduce the inner person. The students apply this example by setting goals for improvement in physical, mental, and emotional areas of their lives. A time machine and a rocket take the students to various time periods for activities that challenge them to think about their present state and their possibilities for self-improvement.  *Missing: some worksheets (at least one copy included for photocopying)*
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