Science, Pearson Interactive, Grades 1-8
Pearson Interactive Science class sets.;Softcover, teachers edition, some in Spanish.;All grades except Grade 2.;;;$10/book or make us an offer!
Each lesson will include a number of engaging activities and questions that will challenge your child to think deeper about the material. Lessons begin with the Explore It! lab that sets up the lesson and throughout the lessons are additional activities that show the lesson in action.
OverviewStudent EditionThe write-in Student Edition nurtures the inquisitive side of your child and engages them in new ways. Each grade level covers four distinct units:Unit A: Science Engineering and Technology
Unit B: Life Science
Unit C: Earth Science
Unit D: Physical ScienceEach chapter begins with an engaging question and activity that set up the lessons and focuses your child on the Big Question to consider throughout the chapter. Each lesson within the chapters is embedded with a number of engaging activities and questions that will challenge your child to think deeper about the material. Every chapter ends with an Investigate It! project that ties the lessons together. Additionally, there are vocabulary cards, games, a study guide, and chapter review questions at the end of the chapter.Teacher’s Edition eTextThe Teacher’s Edition is provided in an eText version through the access card included in the homeschool bundle. The Teacher’s Edition eText provides all the instruction content you will need. Lesson plans with instruction notes are provided around a reduced copy of the Student Edition, annotated with answers. Lessons plans detail the time needed for each lesson and provide information to walk you through the material to engage your child, monitor comprehension, and provide extra support where necessary. Content Refresher sections provide you with background on the lesson’s material. The eText will also guide you through the activities within the Student Edition with details about objectives, expectations, materials, time involved, discussion questions, and lab answers.