We were thrilled when the folks at Daytime Chicago on WGN-TV invited us to share tips for reducing plastic on National Skip the Straw Day!
With our motto, "Trash is just a Failure of Imagination" emblazoned on her t-shirt, CCRx Founder Barbara Koenen shared a variety of examples for eliminating single-use items -- some were our creative products and others just general items like to-go containers, plastic bags, cutlery -- that can all be washed and used again.
We gave hosts Tonya Francisco and Amy Rutledge their own CCRx ToGo Kit, containing a cloth napkin, chopsticks, spork, knife and plastic bag, all in a Recyclo-Pouch.
Other ideas to reduce single-use plastic are to bring a reusable cup, shopping bags and your own containers. At home and at the office, start using a pitcher and glasses instead of buying individual water bottles. If you do get a water bottle, don't toss it -- reuse it!!
Shop at Thrift Stores. Use bar soap and laundry strips instead of in the plastic bottle. Use pencils made from wood, not plastic. The list goes on and on and is really quite simple. Start small and gradually incorporate the practices that you find easiest to start. Every little bit helps!
And remember -- EVERY DAY is Skip the Straw Day!